Thursday, January 22, 2015

Bangkok - Visiting the Temples

These posts on Bangkok are long overdue, but I guess better late than never, right?

Over Spring Break 2013, Mike and I visited the beautiful city of Bangkok, Thailand.  All throughout the city, there are numerous temples and gardens.  Most of the temples are centrally located and many can be seen from the water taxis along the Chao Phraya River.  We used the water taxis to move between several the the temples on both sides of the river.

The Grand Palace is a complex of temples and gardens that wind and weave around each other with courtyards and walking paths connecting them all together.  The temples within this complex are some of the oldest in all of Thailand.  There are over a thousand images and statues of Buddha at this location.  Shrines honoring those who lived before us are found all throughout the complex.  Some temples you are allowed to photograph inside but many you cannot.  From a distances, these temples are absolutely gorgeous with their spires reaching up towards the beautiful, blue sky.  Up close, I am even more impressed with the detail that has gone into the hand-carved stone statues and mosaic tiled temple walls.  My photos in no way do these temples justice.  Simply stunning!

The complex from a distance.

Getting closer...

Entrance garden

Beautiful hand-carved stone shrines and statues.


Statues of Buddha

The following pictures are of the different temples and statues throughout the complex.  I apologize that I do not know the names of the individual temples.  I am posting the photos pretty much in the order in which I encountered them.  (This complex was built rather organically, so the temples and connecting courtyards wind around and overlap each other.  You will see some of the temples in the background of the other pictures because they are all so close to each other.)

Beautiful detailed mosaic work

Even the shrubs are pieces of art!

Do you see the black cat walking around the temples?  Look closely!

The famous Reclining Buddha - measuring over 15 meters high and over 43 meters long, it's a bit of a challenge to fit all in one picture frame.

This is one of the guards in the museum.  Zzzzzz...teeheehee

Mike chillin' in the shade.

Wat Arun - this was taken from the water taxi on our way to some of the other temples.  Unfortunately we did not get a chance to go back and visit this temple.  Maybe one day we will return...

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